This is the official blog of my Study Abroad Trip to Australia and New Zealand. I'll be leaving December 26th and returning home February 2nd.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 21: The Notebook? Really?

Today was yet another busy but fun day! We hooked up with RMIT again and walked through a couple construction sites at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre and the Guilfoyle Serviced Apartments. The MCEC was probably one of the coolest buildings I have ever seen in my life. It's the ideal picture of what I believe American builders should strive for when constructing sustainable structures. It is the only 6 Star Green Star convention centre in the entire world. It is enormous and they have literally thought of what seems like every situation and have a gadget or have built something into the structure to aid in a certain scenario. I could start describing certain cool aspects of the building but I would probably end up rambling for way too long and I don't want to bore y'all with all these little details as neat as they are. Check out the link or Google it to take a look at the details. Here's a few pics:
Wish I could say I took this picture. Props to Google.
Breath-taking Auditorium 
Enormous Ballroom

Crazy Entrance Hall
After a quick lunch at the Melbourne World Trade Center, we hopped a tram and headed to the Guilfoyle Serviced Apartments construction site. It was being built by L.U. Simon also, but the site is only about 1/4 of the way done. They walked through the process they used to pour the carpark (parking deck) and then showed us the finished product of the central stairway and the placement of the elevator shafts. We stood on the 3rd floor and had a Q&A session and then headed back downstairs and our professors dismissed us for the day.

We finished up the day with grabbing a great meal at a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown called Kum Den and came back and wanted to watch a movie in the common room but the RA's of the RMIT Village were already there watching The Notebook, so, we settled. I know its a chick flick but it's a great movie. Going to bed, thanks for reading! War Eagle!

1 comment:

  1. that convention ctr IS awesome! your grandmother will be so jealous that you saw federer... and by the way- the notebook is one of my favorite movies of all time!!! - m
